Thursday, April 15, 2021

A personal reflection on April 14, 2021

Today I am turning 65 which is equal to 780 months, 3380 weeks, 23,725 days, and 560,400 hours. Time is going too fast as I age. I find it difficult to deal with the changes aging brings. I also realize that time is a thief of my cherished life - never to be reclaimed and recaptured.  The hard truth is there is less time for me to practice vipassana, less time for to dream, less time for me to think, less time for me to learn, less time for me to grow, less time for me to start over, less time for me to plant seeds (I teach) and watch them blossom, less time for me to cultivate goodness (serve others), less time for me to enjoy the company of my dearest family, friends, and strangers, and finally less time for me to live. 

I constantly chase after efficiency and productivity for fear of misusing my time well. Moreover, I often based my life on what I achieved in an hour, day, week, month, or year instead of enjoying the present moment. Perhaps, it is better for me to stop watching the clock of life by attending to what really matters most to me and be mindfully content with who I am in the moment - unfolding right now in front of me.

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